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What do you think if Aion go back to subscribe base with better support team


What do you think if Aion go back to subscribe base with better support team ban bots ban hack will you pay ?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Free to play will limited level up to 40 only can only go up to herion,New server,Character slot up to 12,Delicated staff for Aion,Instances doable for everyone you don't need to be expert and more

    • Yes I'll pay this sound good
    • No I won't free play forever

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I'll aboslutely pay if they ban bot ban hackers better and delicated support staff for us.Instances that can do by everybody not just elites.All old luna skins back to gold sand shop + new one monthly.Make transparent transform as default scrolls.Bring safe zone and tiamatrantra map like back again.Make pvp map separated from pve map.Have updates after korea within a month not 6 or 10 months like this.Give us a free plastic surgery every month per char.The point is make us pay for only once and don't need to keep paying again and again.

I'll pay for an account with 12 chars max on new server and restart everything I'm all for subscribe base again if they could make this happened.

Oh yes delicated servers on west coast and east coast best for people from Asia and Europe in same time.

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I have wished the game was still sub for sometime, though I am puzzled by some of your benefits. What do you mean by "instances doable for everyone"? They already are. You have to hit a certain gear level and be coordinated (practice) and everything is doable by anyone. I don't want old maps back. And making PvP and PvE maps separate would be a game killer. Yikes. I want my vote back. With your conditions, I wouldn't play that game.. even if it were free.

Back when we had a sub, we had dedicated staff. And that's the biggest thing, imo, that we need. Someone who only has Aion as their responsibility so that we stop being at the bottom of everyone's to-do list. I imagine team meetings getting to the very end and then someone says, "Oh.. and if anyone has time, could they look over the reward list for the next Aion event?" And then the intern that gets people coffee and who hasn't played a game since JumpStart PreSchool says, "I got this!"

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I just wished back 3.0 time that's all however the reason I posted this because I checked Lineage1 profit they generated most money of all games despite not having NA and EU servers and they still sub.I didn't expected you agreed everything but the most importantly delicate staffs,fast update and east and west coast servers.

Even we don't go sub we still can be B2P like Black Desert Online that game successfully too.

F2P I think it's a failure for both players and developers sub or b2p will be both winning.

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Back when they game launched and it was subbed they was a huge bot problem being subscription doesnt stop the bots or hackers unfortunatly,

5 hours ago, Neleth-KT said:

Make transparent transform as default scrolls


Yes to this

5 hours ago, Neleth-KT said:

.Bring safe zone and tiamatrantra map like back again.Make pvp map separated from pve map

No to this 


5 hours ago, Neleth-KT said:

Have updates after korea within a month not 6 or 10 months like this.

100 times yes to this! I always wondered why it takes so long for the updates to come out after they are live in Korea, anyone know why?

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All we want is that the game is the same as in Korea: same rates, same shops (both Gold Sand Trader as BCM), same rewards, same prices, same events, same game in fact.

Why have all these events in the code and game-files and change them just for us, with crappy rewards and ridiculous prices, and on top of that, impossible to finish because shugos appear in trees where they can't be killed?

Why have different rates, why we have different shops, different prices and in the end, a different game?

Isn't it easier to keep everything the same?

Korea is f2p, just as NA.

This is pure discrimination and on top of that, everybody's getting ripped off instead of rewarded.

This way, you'll lose players and with that, you'll lose money.

Don't mess with our money or you won't get in our pockets ever again.

You're selling transformation contracts for $1 each atm and they give a random one.

If someone spend $1500 and still doesn't get one legendary out of it, it clearly shows the rates are absolutely ridiculous.

With 8 f2p chars on an account buying one in Gold Trader shop every week, that's 8 contracts a week. How long will it take to get 1500 or those?

That's right: 187.5 weeks, or little over 3.5 years, and they still won't get 1 legendary contract, not to mention how long it would take to get the Kaisinel contract.

If you make that half price with a guarantee you'll get at least 1 legendary contract, people will keep buying contracts and you'll earn ALOT more in the end.

Of course you'll get $1500 now but nothing after that.

Lower prices and increase rates and you'll eventually get $3000 from the same player because he keeps buying stuff as he sees he gets rewarded for his money.

Nobody will keep spending money on stuff they know they will never get.

I got lucky and got 1 ancient one after buying about 10 contracts from Gold Sand Trader show as f2p player, but still some oeple don't have that much luck.


Screw people and they leave (and you'll go bankrupt), reward them with cheaper prices but guaranteed rewards and you'll get more money.

That's the basis for every good business.

Spending money and still have to deal with rng is a very awkward way to make money.

Some spend $20 and get Kaisinel contract, some pay $1500 and don't even have 1 legendary contract.

That's just wrong.


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3 or 4 years ago, I would have gladly paid.  This franchise is broken, and I would assume that if I paid, they would gradually continue to degrade the game.

They don't seem to get the concept that "game" is supposed to be "fun".  I swear more when I'm enchanting than I do at anything else in my life.  It's not fun - it's frustrating, and I am less active all the time.  I mostly just run cubic now with parked toons that do nothing but camp cubic entrances.

Enchant rates are garbage. Proc rates for crafted gear is in WTF mode.  It was somewhere between 25-50% when 6.2 came out.  Today I got 1/14 - so they jacked the **** out of the crafting rates too.  It's just a kinah/money sink now, with no real in-game economy. 

The game is free, and that's what it's worth.

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The problem is not money. The problem with the game is management.

The problem with AION is that this game is control by people who do not talk to the customer.

Maybe the AION directors see this game as something boring that needs to end. 

I think this game exists only because have any contract with Corea. 

It has nothing to do with money. I even think that they are doing everything possible so that the game does not bring any money and so they can justify closing the game.

If they were worried about the money, they would sell items that are really interesting like scroll of entrance (BOS, FM and etc).

I think the team responsible for AION, does not play, does not like and does not know much about this game. Unfortunately.

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39 minutes ago, Ksara-DN said:

The problem is not money. The problem with the game is management.

The problem with AION is that this game is control by people who do not talk to the customer.

Maybe the AION directors see this game as something boring that needs to end. 

I think this game exists only because have any contract with Corea. 

It has nothing to do with money. I even think that they are doing everything possible so that the game does not bring any money and so they can justify closing the game.

If they were worried about the money, they would sell items that are really interesting like scroll of entrance (BOS, FM and etc).

I think the team responsible for AION, does not play, does not like and does not know much about this game. Unfortunately.

That's what I was thinking. There's no excuse for the abomination this game has become. Haha, I don't think they want people to play this game anymore so they can close it down and never have to worry about it again. It was a good game before they started deleting everything. Game has no direction, you see how every patch they try something different and fail miserably. It's sad because we used to have a lot of fun before they had the fancy idea to delete everything we enjoyed. *NCsoft* - so they like to make alts and play other classes do they? Well, we'll fix that. Game has to be made by someone who hates people and wants to see them suffer. Miss me with that.

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3 hours ago, Raiuken-KT said:

Isso é o que eu estava pensando. Não há desculpa para a abominação que este jogo se tornou. Haha, eu não acho que eles querem que as pessoas joguem mais este jogo, então eles podem fechar e nunca mais ter que se preocupar com isso novamente. Foi um bom jogo antes de começarem a deletar tudo. O jogo não tem direção, você vê como cada patch tenta algo diferente e falha miseravelmente. É triste porque nós nos divertíamos muito antes que eles tivessem uma idéia chique para deletar tudo o que nós gostávamos. * NCsoft * - então eles gostam de fazer alts e tocar outras classes? Bem, vamos consertar isso. O jogo tem que ser feito por alguém que odeia pessoas e quer vê-las sofrer. Sinto minha falta com isso.

I think that's a mistake. I am absolutely certain that AION has never reached its full potential. For me it was the best MMO ever created by man.

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They need to get a new support team first. One that is competent and able to actually manage this game effectively. The team they have now is completely out of their depth or are intentionally trashing this game. Their silence is also telling, showing that they really don't care. That being the case, I am not spending anymore money on this game. Spending money here anymore would be just like throwing my money into the rubbish. Nothing would be fixed, the management will not become better. Instead, I will spend my money on a game I find that is worthy of financial support. Right now, this game definitely is not.

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The game used to be sub based remember? You needed to purchase the game AND sub to be able to play. The game still failed. HENCE the move to F2P.

What makes you think NCSoft would get it right this time?

More likely the KSoft overlords would pocket the money and/or use the wests funds to further advance the eastern game/base. (The only one they truly care about.) Or use it to fund whatever mobile style cash grab or battle royale game they most certainly have in the works.

You guys should know how NCSoft rolls by now.

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Won't work now not enough player base to support the staff. Some of them don't deserve to be paid but there is labor laws there. I have played since Nov. 09 and did the sub thing. It was nice and got monthly rewards. Might be wrong but think what happened back then was a huge ban wave of accounts for hacking and botting reduced the population, soon followed by a lot leaving due to the grind fest. Then this first server merges which surprisingly was mishandled, and more left. It could work again if the population was larger and someone knew how to manage it. I do believe all this game is doing now is funding future projects. You guys don't have phones?

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17 hours ago, Ksara-DN said:

The problem is not money.

This. Aion makes FAR more money as a f2p than as a sub based game, nc doenst hire more staff/fix things because they simply dont have to. Lets look at the mistaEK server for example:

. ~500 players paying the regular $15 for a sub game would bring in $7500 per month, that doesnt sound like much right? Specially when you hear that a single player on the server spent 5k dollars in the past month.

These 20 or so kind of players are the ones that the game is trying to please and the rest of the playerbase is just fodder to make them feel acomplished, asking for a sub-based model is just a pipe dream.


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On 12/8/2018 at 11:46 PM, Neleth-KT said:

I just wished back 3.0 time that's all however the reason I posted this because I checked Lineage1 profit they generated most money of all games despite not having NA and EU servers and they still sub.I didn't expected you agreed everything but the most importantly delicate staffs,fast update and east and west coast servers.

Even we don't go sub we still can be B2P like Black Desert Online that game successfully too.

F2P I think it's a failure for both players and developers sub or b2p will be both winning.

The BDO b2p model failed as the reason they did it was to not add X or Y that is now in the cash shop for pure greed. They actually talked about this in their BDO festival admitting they became to greedy and were blinded by the money to make fair game updates for all of our players involved. They are now taking/changing some of these systems that made the content and gear gap to big for 90% of the players out. 

Fundamental systems in BDO are the reason for it still being somewhat successful. Aion had these fundamentals but removed them. Now with out going in to a 45 page rant about Aion's changes BDO still gives a great new player experience while also giving the long term player a reason to keep logging in. While Aion has no reason to log in as a new player past reset day.

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I have played aion when it was sub based and as f2play.I do not believe going back to a sub base option would change how the game is run.

When the game was released and pay2play there was much feedback on the grind for gear and experience while bonus weekends were implemented it did little to stop the bleeding playerbase.

Aion in NA regions cannot become a successful MMO when the parent company only seems to care about the sub numbers in its home country of Korea.You cannot expect to attract and retain players in NA,eu and oceanic regions if you refuse to listen to their concerns and base game development only on your korean playerbase.

If you look at the feedback of 5.0 and now 6.0 very little of it is good,and a wide range of player concerns were completely overlooked and not fixed in 5.0.

5.0 could of actually been a really great patch if one the experience grind had of been dramatically reduced in the first month of release.Gear being made tradeable was a good choice,but was ruined by making gear explode.Enchanting gear should of been capped at +20 with items only losing 1 point when trying to enchant.

Minions another system was added which was completely unnecessary and contributed even more pay2win aspects to a game where the biggest wallet usually wins.

Fast-forward too 6.0 now we have easy leveling but enchanting is a joke even though gear doesn't break it is still the same as if it does a waste of time and resources.

Compensation gear was a mistake,any patch players should all start of on equal footing for gear advancement.

Gear sets this is a mistake of ncsoft for many patches,players do not need multiple tiers of gear for pvp,we need 1 set we work towards not ultimate legendary or whatnot.

As a player who has spent large amounts of money something cyan,gideon or hime could check i quit during 5.8 because i simply see no point throwing money at a game to get gear to compete.There is nothing endgame in aion it's always the haves and have nots especially with a pay2win or progess model.

I enjoy aion pvp and the excitement of open-world,however when i compare it to WOW pvp i know in wow i can gear easily and then rely on my skill and my teammates to progress in rank and skill this simply cannot occur in aion when p2win occurs so much.

At the end of day i do not believe a sub based system would work because they had the opportunity for a year after release too fix and correct the direction of the game in NA,eu and oceanic and ignored player feedback.

The same thing has happened more during 5.0 and now 6.0,massive player discontent and poor choices by NA and its parent company,the games direction clearly shows they are not interested in reviving or fixing their game since it was released because even losing paying players makes zero impact on their choices.If a company only caters and focuses on korean players why waste time effort and money when it's clear they dont want Aion to be more successful in western markets.

End of rant from a loyal paying customer who quit.

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8 year old game doesn't get better support team, even if they paid for it. they would have to pull money out of thin air to get them hired and ready and then announce that they are about to ruin all the "free to play" players day. goodluck having any sort of community after that. People would rather pay to play on games that are newer and have much more interaction. If this game wasn't free to play everyone would be playing games that are free to play, such as fortnite or league of legends.

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