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Why is no one listening?


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@Kibbelz @Loki

I'm starting to feel as if the development team has something against giving players more cosmetics in Aion ( like skins, motions, emotes, etc) the reason being is really  unknown and its confusing to say the least.

Constantly seeing posts on forums asking for this skin, asking for a certain motion and then when the time comes around and its the "monthly" update of the bcm, you provide us stuff no one has asked for and go as far as trying to sell skins for 640 NCOINS that you use to be able to obtain  from an npc with KINAH in the game (talking about the Gift-Wrapped skins). 

Back when Aion had more than enough skins and motions on the bcm, it made sense to completely empty it out and start doing a 2 week rotation of them to get people to want to buy them even more. It was a very good strategy that Ncsoft made, people were quick to spend as soon as they saw a certain item they have been wanting go up on the store.

If you look at EU Aion and KR, you'd notice that they have a more booming store, you can tell that their development team actually updates it frequently to meet players needs/wants. One of the best qualities Aion has a game is its cosmetics and how wide range it is.

So what I'm confused about is why is it so hard to continue what we were doing before when we had a skin rotation, more updates on bcm, actually putting cosmetics in events, updating us on new skins that haven't been released in NA (we are actually missing a full update worth of skins and cosmetics from 6.0). And I've seen Kibblez or Loki respond to people on forums and reply to posts about other things, but have never seen anyone actually explain and respond to a post or comment regarding this issue.

I know you guys are appreciating the feedback players are giving you and you Kibblez can only do so much to help the players be heard by the development team. We just want to know if we are even being listened to on this topic. -🍄

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Gonna quote myself (yikes lmao) with something about this topic that I said within a much larger post. Completely agree with Fungie. We are so sad that we rarely get cosmetics, and when we do, they aren't ones anyone was asking to receive. :(


On 12/4/2020 at 9:32 AM, Vantheria-DN said:

Skins/Cosmetics: I have not seen any change here, and I wish I would! It is my speculation that you all pay for a certain amount of store spaces on the BCM. That is perfectly acceptable! However, skins/items that people do not use/want could be removed and replaced with items that we DO want. For example, if you check your purchase records, I guarantee no one is buying the Snake costumes. Those should be removed and replaced with other rarer skins. I'd recommend checking purchase records over the past 12 months and remove anything from the store that has not been purchased at least 15 times in that entire 12 months. Additionally, there are several Motion cards which are much rarer than they should be. We have not seen Dragon's Set Motion or Red's Basket for Granny Motion in literal years.


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Every time I see a post about skins I remember the 30 min long everlasting Skin's previews that Hime and Gideon made...

5.8 https://youtu.be/WhxjA9GE7yg?t=1280

6.2 https://youtu.be/A6K8_2g_260?t=3026

Yeah, sadly along with Aion's playerbase I just think they also quitted Aion...

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An extremely large population of the cosmetics interested community left Aion for the exact reason. 

4.0 -4.5 was the prime with the introduction of the Songweaver, cute dresses, glowing weapons and extremely luxurious looking armor sets. I still remember vividly how a bunch of my friends and I worked day in day out to get that crafted Beritra Bard skin. Aion was sooooo alive back then for if you were not as competitive as other pvpers, you always got something else to have fun with (skin collecting, doing tayloring, housing, etc.) Can't tell you how excited I was to log in every day to check broker to see what new stuff/skins people were selling.

But now it's a completely dead aspect. No explanation or whatsoever as to why the lack skins and cosmetics items issue has never been addressed. 

If classic Aion were to become a thing here, I'm all for it. Not for the sake of a better game, but for the fact that we would have OPTIONS to have fun with.

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Well I would like to tell you that skins alone can't miraculously bring people back to live Aion it needs to do a lot more, Sure a lot of people love skins including me o_o

But we have to accept extreme RNG(daevanion skills, +15 stigma ,transformation) destroyed Aion and streamline role into one build by making dps useless while healing devastated Aion badly. Took out people choice lower CDs to make everything spamable(without need to weave or switch weapons) I think it's better if some complicated mechanics such as  random chance stumble,knock back stays there while offering people who can't or don't like random chance to use another stigma. It really took out of fun if you don't have to do anything but spam.

Transformation beside changing your appearance also having a problem too ,it made CC skills or debuffs useless simply because your speed/attack cast speed are too fast or having resist too high so silence,sleep,fear etc would not work. The game is no longer fun if you can't possibly lose (Think about a cheat where you invincible and you can't die it's just no longer fun)

I believed live can't save it's too messy but it's also a fact that Aion classic will take a long time before come here. And it will mess up again if we try nothing now. The game isn't about paying to be a god the game is about fun and fundamentals of it are fair and everyone can participle in it if the game is not for everybody and fair then no fun no money. Before you thinking about profit think about people and their enjoyments first if no then no money for you.

You can make Aion 2,3 with unreal engine 5,6,7 but if it's excessive RNG and p2w it will fail.

@Kibbelz RNG = Random number generation,P2W = pay to win

I highly recommended anyone who making decision about Aion play the game with full geared +15 everything ultimate transform and play the game where you wipe out everything in 3 seconds and no way to die for a month and asking yourself if you having fun ?

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7 hours ago, Nalariel-KT said:

Well I would like to tell you that skins alone can't miraculously bring people back to live Aion it needs to do a lot more, Sure a lot of people love skins including me o_o

Obviously the skins alone won't bring people back now just by that feature, but skins are literally no game breakers to be included. They removed all fun from the game, the same fun that made it famous for being different, customizable character appearance and a ton of skins. Imagine if they remove the customization of the characters and gives us like 2~3 presets for every class or something. That will be the day I'll quit for good. So yeah the appearance of the game is their biggest asset for sure, good graphics and nice animations and motions.

You now have to login, run the pve instances 500 times each to get the best pvpve gear and call this a game. I'd rather replay Diablo I and Diablo II from scratch again and enjoy the story-telling and cinematics than have to do another PF run in this game, for the last 2 years we have the exact same instances that have to be re-run from scratch in every mini patch for new gear.

Crafting, housing, gathering, morphing, skins, mounts etc, all of these were a solid fun part of the game. And these NEVER affect the game negatively in any way, nobody can win pvp because he got a good skin or because he has a good house decoration.

Lastly and most importantly I am not willing to pay 5$~10$ worth of BCM coins to get a skin that will be used once and then gone. ALL skins should be in BCM permanently and each should cost 1$ and that should be it, I would be spending money on those here and there, I haven't spend a single dime on those 600~700 BCM skins and never will.

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2 hours ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

Lastly and most importantly I am not willing to pay 5$~10$ worth of BCM coins to get a skin that will be used once and then gone. 

Which is why the luna wardrobe was a fantastic idea but another problem around that was you only get 8 slots. Myself have already filled it, I would have liked to see if we could get expansions on it like our inventory 


9 hours ago, Nalariel-KT said:

Well I would like to tell you that skins alone can't miraculously bring people back

Not saying skins will make the game alive again, but it sure would do something at least. People miss skins, housing, crafting, farming for cosmetics in an instance or event. Its what makes everyone's characters in the game unique. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have the amount of skins I have left for my toon, I wouldn't be playing, its what brought my attention the most about Aion at how its cosmetics were different than other games I've seen. Of course they need to work on other things but the topic I'm addressing is cosmetics.

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2 hours ago, Fungie-DN said:

Which is why the luna wardrobe was a fantastic idea but another problem around that was you only get 8 slots. Myself have already filled it, I would have liked to see if we could get expansions on it like our inventory 

We made posts about luna wardrobe too, I wish I could have 1000 slots there even if I had to open them exclusively from BCM store, I would do it.

I would love to have something like the items collection but for skins and gear

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Gonna use this opportunity to nyerk yet again about a lie we were told way back in the 5.X-6.X days concerning BCM. When the BCM was totally changed and its content gutted, we were promised that everything that was on the old BCM would be coming back along with new stuff. We were told, and I quote "it just has to be ported over." Here we are years later and not only has this never happened, it's turned out to be a bold faced lie. Maybe someone else can vouch for it but I seem to remember it eventually being said on our old forums that they couldn't just transfer everything over (even though they said they were going to.)

Selling kinah items for NCcoin is also nothing new from NCSoft unfortunately. I still have a few charts I made back in the day showing how they were selling outfits on the BCM that were still available in game at the time for less than 100k kinah at the faction capital cities. To make matters even worse they went as far as to rename the items on the BCM to trick unsuspecting players into buying them. I admit there is a lot of venom in what I post on these forums but when players have been mistreated or ignored by the company running the game for so long and it's been mismanaged so badly you begin to wonder if they're doing it on purpose, can you really blame me?

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5 minutes ago, Jagblade-DN said:

 When the BCM was totally changed and its content gutted, we were promised that everything that was on the old BCM would be coming back along with new stuff. We were told, and I quote "it just has to be ported over." Here we are years later and not only has this never happened, it's turned out to be a bold faced lie.

Yeah I remember Cyan or Hime saying something about the BCM and why they were taking everything out. I do recall someone saying they were gonna add the items back eventually because of the update but it never happened and we started getting the 2 week skin rotations.  Then those stopped suddenly with no reason why and there hasn't been anything said since.

Even now it feels like they try to avoid any forum post regarding the issue 

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  • Aion Team


On 12/9/2020 at 12:31 PM, Fungie-DN said:

@Kibbelz @Loki

I'm starting to feel as if the development team has something against giving players more cosmetics in Aion ( like skins, motions, emotes, etc) the reason being is really  unknown and its confusing to say the least.


We just want to know if we are even being listened to on this topic. -🍄

Hey @Fungie-DN So, a major component of this certainly comes down to prioritization. When we passed around the list of community priorities before, skins ranked rather low (though it did make the list). Whether this was due to the volume of comments, or the passion for other topics contained in the responses we saw, we just didn't get the impression that it was a high priority to you all when compared to other topics.


That said, yours is not the first thread or post criticizing the lack of actions around cosmetics. I responded to a post asking a similar question a few weeks ago, and let me say that these discussions are definitely impacting our perception of cosmetic interest. At this point, let me commit to bringing this exact topic up to the team, and we can see what can be done. My hope would be that we can share some details around in an upcoming feedback update.

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7 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:


Hey @Fungie-DN So, a major component of this certainly comes down to prioritization. When we passed around the list of community priorities before, skins ranked rather low (though it did make the list). Whether this was due to the volume of comments, or the passion for other topics contained in the responses we saw, we just didn't get the impression that it was a high priority to you all when compared to other topics.


That said, yours is not the first thread or post criticizing the lack of actions around cosmetics. I responded to a post asking a similar question a few weeks ago, and let me say that these discussions are definitely impacting our perception of cosmetic interest. At this point, let me commit to bringing this exact topic up to the team, and we can see what can be done. My hope would be that we can share some details around in an upcoming feedback update.

That would be amazing! Its weird knowing how low skins were ranked when I have come across so many players in-game that talk about the lack of cosmetics or spam lfg for them. Me myself checking broker constantly to see if there's anything new someone has put up.

I feel like cosmetics whether it be skins, mounts, or housing is a big part of Aion and seeing Aion w.o any of those is like a cupcake without icing. Its good knowing you are going to try to bring up this topic to the development team! I hope something can be done in the future about this and maybe seeing our BCM get updated more frequently again 😄 🍄Thanks @Kibbelz

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8 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:


Hey @Fungie-DN So, a major component of this certainly comes down to prioritization. When we passed around the list of community priorities before, skins ranked rather low (though it did make the list). Whether this was due to the volume of comments, or the passion for other topics contained in the responses we saw, we just didn't get the impression that it was a high priority to you all when compared to other topics.


That said, yours is not the first thread or post criticizing the lack of actions around cosmetics. I responded to a post asking a similar question a few weeks ago, and let me say that these discussions are definitely impacting our perception of cosmetic interest. At this point, let me commit to bringing this exact topic up to the team, and we can see what can be done. My hope would be that we can share some details around in an upcoming feedback update.

Kibbelz is still baffling to me. Posts like this shows how incredibly easy it is to just communicate with community in a clear way and on a regular basis, yet it took this long for someone in the position to really do it. Keep doing what you're doing you're doing Kibbelz. You've really been a breath of fresh air after all these years.

Somewhat related to the topic at hand, the BCM and costs go hand in hand. When the BCM launched and mounts were added, NCSoft was asking for $50-60 for a single permanent mount which was ridiculous. Even if more cosmetics come to the game, price is going to be everything. You can get a permanent mount in GW2 for $6-10 for example. You can get an outfit for between $4-10 as well. NCSoft has a history of nickle and diming us at every turn so please pass it along. If cosmetics return and sales aren't high, it's not lack of interest. It's probably the prices (which haven't really come down that much in all the years for even what little is currently on the BCM.)

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34 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:


Hey @Fungie-DN So, a major component of this certainly comes down to prioritization. When we passed around the list of community priorities before, skins ranked rather low (though it did make the list). Whether this was due to the volume of comments, or the passion for other topics contained in the responses we saw, we just didn't get the impression that it was a high priority to you all when compared to other topics.


That said, yours is not the first thread or post criticizing the lack of actions around cosmetics. I responded to a post asking a similar question a few weeks ago, and let me say that these discussions are definitely impacting our perception of cosmetic interest. At this point, let me commit to bringing this exact topic up to the team, and we can see what can be done. My hope would be that we can share some details around in an upcoming feedback update.

Hey @Kibbelz at least you could add 1 skin every 1 or 2 weeks. I bet is not that hard.

And please dont add those that literally no one wants. There are some people really want to see. 

Dream faerie costume, comfy coveral, denku and sandwash i think it was called? set,  springbloom uniform, and there are alot more. And when you guys add them just make them permanent. 

Also motions: ninja, levitation, skating, dragon set

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I know I would be willing to change my skin once a week or so if the skins were constantly available and I knew I would lose them forever and if they were cheap on BCM. Skins should never be treated as luxury items, they play no role in the game outcome or pvp/pve, they are the fun part and should remain fun. A skin ingame cannot cost what a meal costs in real life.

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Hi sorry for late reply :o but I would like to explain that I'm totally all for skins but if you noticed NCwest did add some skins back and it didn't produce profits as they(people with authorize things for Aion) hoped for. Reasons for it because the gameplay in live Aion right now is abysmal if skins didn't make enough money I'm afraid that chances we will have more skins in the future is dim :/(I even believed they should add all skins back at once because skins can sell best when you got all selections to choose.)

That's why I'm telling @Kibbelz to do more than skins ,you need to improve basic condition of Aion such as gameplay ,ability to farm etc. Sure I don't believed live Aion to survive but if we let it die like this. Our classic will die too we need to prove that beside Korea development their(NCwest) management can affected Aion greatly.

I know it's a lot of works and may not produce so much money but I don't believed we can simply waiting magically for classic without doing anything.

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29 minutes ago, Nalariel-KT said:

Hi sorry for late reply :o but I would like to explain that I'm totally all for skins but if you noticed NCwest did add some skins back and it didn't produce profits as they(people with authorize things for Aion) hoped for. Reasons for it because the gameplay in live Aion right now is abysmal if skins didn't make enough money I'm afraid that chances we will have more skins in the future is dim :/(I even believed they should add all skins back at once because skins can sell best when you got all selections to choose.)

That's why I'm telling @Kibbelz to do more than skins ,you need to improve basic condition of Aion such as gameplay ,ability to farm etc. Sure I don't believed live Aion to survive but if we let it die like this. Our classic will die too we need to prove that beside Korea development their(NCwest) management can affected Aion greatly.

I know it's a lot of works and may not produce so much money but I don't believed we can simply waiting magically for classic without doing anything.

This is because the skins they put on BCM are ugly and/or too expensive.

It should be a no brainer for them to simply add skins and make the rather cheap to be treated as consumables and not niche items. I do not understand their logic some times, there is nothing to think over skins, they are skins, you simply put them in BCM for everyone to buy whenever they can.

Do they have like 10 slots for skins and have to round robin them or something? Is the game designed so badly that they cannot have more than xx amount of skins on BCM? They should simply list them all and forget about them. It is not like a super market that you have to restock or make sure the items are not out of date... this is an imaginary world and skins are the fun of it.

It is irrelevant to whether they will make profit or not or whether they will revive the game or not, listing the skins on BCM should be a few clicks away and it won't hurt having them there and if it doesn't do much good for the game, it defo won't make anything bad to it either.

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2 hours ago, Kibbelz said:


Hey @Fungie-DN So, a major component of this certainly comes down to prioritization. When we passed around the list of community priorities before, skins ranked rather low (though it did make the list). Whether this was due to the volume of comments, or the passion for other topics contained in the responses we saw, we just didn't get the impression that it was a high priority to you all when compared to other topics.


That said, yours is not the first thread or post criticizing the lack of actions around cosmetics. I responded to a post asking a similar question a few weeks ago, and let me say that these discussions are definitely impacting our perception of cosmetic interest. At this point, let me commit to bringing this exact topic up to the team, and we can see what can be done. My hope would be that we can share some details around in an upcoming feedback update.

Hey, sorry I understand this thread is mainly about skins but does no realize world bosses being a rank 5 concern is a problem? Do people not care that elyos kill all the cross-server bosses 5 days a week? Does the game team not realize how game-breaking this is when every other elyos you run into in pvp has a para weapon?

On-topic: I do wish skin would be a #1 or #2 rank because skins definitely make playing characters more enjoyable.

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Well if we're going to be honest most of skins they bring back to BCM were skins that we used to able to get them free from luna in 5.x xD

Ofc we're going to rejected that badly. I don't believed they managing Aion based on customers point of view. How about you imagine yourself in @Kibbelz boots and try to convince your boss to add more skins back ? and you don't have anything to back up your claims that will increase their profit ? We can't keep yelling add skins back without results. I believed we need to do a lot of things at once adding skins back to BCM and in game ,remove luna system completely replace kinah farming with quests and normal mobs, add transformation contract dropping from mobs and we might going as far as open a new server for this experiment server that has separated shop and limited ncoins and items you can buy each week.

I don't know if they willing to do that much if adding skins would be the problem o.O
But there's no way to do one step fix live Aion it's so messy you can say negative all you want but I would like to remind that a lot of NC games including in house like Lineage 1 which shut down in west and do a lot more profit than Aion(with world wide combined) now.

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14 hours ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

I know I would be willing to change my skin once a week or so if the skins were constantly available and I knew I would lose them forever and if they were cheap on BCM. 

Honestly, I used to be like you and hoard my skins, but I've been changing them out every 2-4 weeks now, and it's made me so happy lol. I know some of them are gone forever, but I am playing the game less and less as the weeks go by (makes me sad to admit that even to myself), so I might as well use up all of my old skins.

13 hours ago, Pharoahra-DN said:

Do people not care that elyos kill all the cross-server bosses 5 days a week?

I mean we've done it to ourselves. Asmos didn't want to work together in the beginning, so now we don't get world bosses. /shrug

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13 hours ago, Pharoahra-DN said:

Do people not care that elyos kill all the cross-server bosses 5 days a week? Does the game team not realize how game-breaking this is when every other elyos you run into in pvp has a para weapon?


Time for you to step up and rally the asmo faction. Start talking to people making relations offering guilds rights to first 2nd 3rd weapons and so on. As my good mate buzz use to say, To infinity and beyond.

You got dis you are the hero the asmo's have needed all along. 

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