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Thank you Ncsoft


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My deepest thanks to everyone who worked so hard on this patch of Aion. In less than 3 weeks of launch, you have killed the population. Today is reset day and nobody is bothering to log in anymore. Reset day is suppose to be the main day people log in. So lets name off a couple things you've done wrong so far, shall we?

  • You took away a perfectly good event that got people kinah, fragments, stigmas, to gear up because you decided it needed to be "fixed"
  • You AGAIN messed up enchantment rates SO BAD to the point people cant even get an ancient piece to 15 with legendary stones (trust me ive tried)
  • The rewards in KBF are bugged, people are receiving items that aren't even a thing anymore in the game
  • IB is so buggy that people constantly get stuck in "invisible boxes" forcing them to log out and may have to lose their run because of it
  • It took you 3 weeks to finally decide to fix Divine Siege like that wasn't a major issue in this patch ???
  • We have no active GMs that play the game anymore, contacting support is like talking to someone in a language they don't understand, its pointless
  • Vandal free gear/skin was suppose to be given out the 28th, its now the 4th of September same with extra slots for prestige soooo yeah not surprising 

I'm sure there is a lot more to add but in 3 weeks this is all that has happened. So thank you for killing the game once again, I hope you have to shut down the 2 remaining servers you have cause there is no more trying with you guys anymore~ 

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2 minutes ago, Fungie-DN said:
  • We have no active GMs that play the game anymore, contacting support is like talking to someone in a language they don't understand, its pointless

I agree on most of your post.  It sucks.  I'm choosing to pick up and move on.

The part I quoted is my main problem with your post.  Remember when EK was a new server?  We had a few folks from NCSoft playing.   What happened, you ask?  Somebody is a phone job gave people stuff they werent suppose to have.  

What resulted was atrocious behavior from a bunch of people.  Those people targeted Cyan the most.  So much that I didnt see him play anymore.  That is a shame that he couldn't enjoy the game as a player and not staff.

So to counter your GMs don't play anymore, I wouldn't want to play with obnoxious individuals that would ruin my gaming time either. 

We do have QA folks that float around.  I chatted with Loki not too long ago.  But again, some brilliant individual decided that was the time to unload in a nasty rant.  

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I'm so sad that I'm looking for another game.

I played Aion since the beginning, I left GW for this game and now I'm alone, all my friends left my legion is all for my characters.

I did not try to get in other legions because when I tried they only wanted players geared and ready to do PvP, which I do not like.

So lately I'm just levelling up some of my alts and with the vandal being my last one to level it will be my goodbye to Aion once I reach lvl80.

In my spare time, I'm looking for a game that could help me to relax and not get upset, sometimes pixels can be very nasty. :)

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  • Aion Team

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

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5 minutes ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

Sure, I guess, but why did you not tell us that on the first day? Waiting 1 week seems stupid, doesn't it?

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17 minutes ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

Yea guys it was supposed to be a shitty event from the start but they accidently made it good then bad again.

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17 minutes ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

Sure, but can't you see what good the event was for the health of the game? Keeping people playing for the start of 7.0 is what benefits everyone.

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With all due respect and fairness.



It took them like 3 years to fix Dredge on Divine fort before.


God bless Zikel and all the free gear of the thousands of medals Elyos got because they had the fort for free for 3 years because Dredge was too bugged to attack and take it.

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Can't any of you guys be positive about something? @Cyan: Please relate my thanks to the devs for getting our character slots fixed. I was finally able to create a Vandal on my main account and for this one thing at least I am thankful.

Back on subject: With all the deep dark doom and gloom on this forum I sometimes wonder if it isn't for that reason we do not get many replies. In any case, to each their own, but it''s something to think about. Y'all have a lovely day.9_9

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5 hours ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

So let me get this straight. The rng of the drops for this event are not that good. I have done instances on my cleric and have only gotten lead fragments. 2 of my 11 toons have only gotten "decent" rewards for 2 days and the rest of the days it has been mostly 1 coin from both big and small chests and you're stating the coins were supposed to be untradeable from the very beginning which makes this event utter garbage. I thought Gideon said on the 7.0 update preview stream they "heard" us and events are going to be more rewarding? This is probably my fault for misunderstanding "who" events were supposed to be rewarding to. This isn't what rewarding actually means.

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4 hours ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

So the event is now how is suppose to be and is a really bad event. @Cyan Can you fix it again to give more keys or the bag rates that give alchemy essence to be more generous. I think some rates still broken. or at least that the copper box guarantee one reward from a good list? I have had too many 1 coin chest on the only account I care. Can they fix so prestige give you a extra key? or bags daily for login? or extra drop for instance. I mean you think of something now. because the rest the event is really bad is we continued like that. I remember when the event was actually to enjoy and play. I understand what you defenders said and I know you guys got to get paid and whatever they want to do to keep their self on tops of gear list. Now find a way to make money and make the event enjoyable for everyone. Get to work!. 

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4 hours ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially. As for other issues, we're investigating them and escalating to the development team to be fixed. Sometimes it's difficult to have time frames for exact fixes.

I supposed u have a quality assurance team... once again you show how non-professional ncsoft are... fixing with delay and doing all with the feet.

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A little history @Cyan since that you have some troubles with memory :
Tiamaranta's Eye event when you Nerked up with prices on Omegas, Tempering Solutions, +12 Manastones etc. Your [NCSoft] decision was : remove NPC who selling all stuff , unscheduled maintenance for 1h, GREATLY(!!!) increased the price on items. The point is: you[NCSoft] have took couple of hours to "resolve that issue with NPC's prices on items"

1st day of 7.0 when you again Nerked up, but this time with Prestige Coin and Lockbox Coin machines, where you can buy some items for free. Your solution: unscheduled maintenance for 2h, removing Prestige Coin and Lockbox Coin machines and "..Character data will be rolled back to the data during the scheduled maintenance. This means anything done in-game after the servers came online today with the Mark of the Vandal update will be reverted." Once again you just took couple of hours to do this.
And now, The Alchemy Event :

6 hours ago, Cyan said:

The way the event is now is how it was supposed to be, the dev team only fixed something they messed up with initially.

As i understanding to resolve this issue with Cauldron Coins you was need like 1 week to figure out that "Something went wrong" ?! Tell us @Cyan what had stops NCSoft to do the same actions like it was before with Timaranta's Event and with Prestige Coin and Lockbox Coin machines ???

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Reflagging the coins was irritating but w/e. It was fun and good for a short while, and deep down everyone knew it'd be changed because it was fun and good.


Going beyond that and further nerfing the actual drops, however, is beyond lame. But you knew that already. That's why the second change was left out of the patch notes.


P.S. have fun at the water cooler after publicly shaming your dev team.

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16 hours ago, Lolnotagainlmao-EK said:

@Cyan what about the EC exploit bug?

Will people who been using be punished? Cause fair players its in disadvantage

You should get punished too, for exploits Promotion and Distribution lmao.

who in their right mind would make several public posts giving detailed explanation on how to reproduce the bug and expect it to stop happening. If before only 20% of server abused the bug, now thanks to your posts i'm sure its up 80% lol,

Now i have to spam pls dont kick me on ec xD

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27 minutes ago, DevilNest-KT said:

You should get punished too, for exploits Promotion and Distribution lmao.

who in their right mind would make several public posts giving detailed explanation on how to reproduce the bug and expect it to stop happening. If before only 20% of server abused the bug, now thanks to your posts i'm sure its up 80% lol,

Now i have to spam pls dont kick me on ec xD

Easy bait to people abuse and get banned, i know people can be that dumb, apparently works for you.

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5 minutes ago, Lolnotagainlmao-EK said:

Its easy, just fix it


Its not necessary to ban, just rip the ap/stones they got


Since apparently this is your first day here. "It's easy" is not a phrase that we are familiar with.

Neither is "Fix it".

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