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Farewell Daevas!


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Hello everyone!

As the title implies it's my time to take a bow and say farewell to you all as tomorrow is my last day with NCSOFT. I'm not one for being super sentimental but I just wanted to say that my time over the last several years has been a large learning experience for me as this was my first gig in the industry. Sometimes it was overwhelming, other times it was stressful, and of course it was fun.

All of you reading this have varying opinions, experiences, and thoughts about many different things. I leave you in the good hands of Hime and the other members at NCSOFT. I encourage you all to continue sharing your feedback with the team here at NCSOFT West, constructively of course.

Thank you for being along for my ride and I am sure I will see many of you again.


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Thank you for all you did and tried to do for this game. I know I and a few other people will truly miss you working for NCSoft because even though there are people who blamed you for everything wrong in this game, we have always known the truth of how much you worked your butt off for us to have things we asked for, whether we got it or not. So, again, thank you and good luck with your new adventure!

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Thankies Cyan for everything you've done for this community! It's been a roller coaster for the most part but you did an amazing job, which many of us appreciate and I'll surely going to miss your face. Wishing you all the best and good luck on your new journey. <3

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All the best, I appreciate everything you tried to do and appreciate the communication from you.  This community is not always easy, but you always tried.  Good Luck in your future adventure, and all the best.


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Best wishes Cyan!

You truly were one of the good ones at NCwest, I'm sorry if our rants/posts ever felt like they were directed at you. We all truly appreciated your attempts to keep communications open between the players and NCwest, I think if it wasn't for your activity on these forums a lot more players would of left the game due to being left in the dark on many major issues. For this being your first gig in the industry I think you did an overall great job, I hope your future adventures are rewarding and that NCwest realizes what an amazing employee they're loosing! 

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I hope NC put someone on ur place dedicated as u was on all these years. We know is'nt easy to be just a person working on a multinational enterprise and cant do everything u want to do, but im sure u did ur best.

Good lucky on your adventures, Daeva!

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